Blog Goddess

I am unique, intriguing, and interestingly weird. I am Me. I talk too much. I laugh too loud. I ask too many questions. I love that I am not easily embarassed. I have ADD when it comes to hobbies. I am Me. Accept Me. Reject Me. Who cares? Cause you know you want to be me.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

I'm Back! Did you miss me???

Hello invisible audience. I have returned to wreak havoc on the blog scene. Since hardly anyone has viewed my blog, I am free to be somewhat candid about my personal experiences. However, this is the internet so I will not be so transparent.

It has been a long time since I have been here, but I need to release my creative energy by writing again. So here goes. First, I would like introduce my new cast of work characters - the zoo. Since I am in a male dominated environment, I feel it is fitting to liken my co-workers using similarities between their insanity and the inhabitats of the animal kingdom.

Cowardly lion - the king of the jungle who appears threatening, but has the temperment of a pussy cat

Stallion - fiesty, uncontrollable, & will mount any mare moving

Panther - adrenaline junkie who constantly stalks the terrain in search of his next victim

Bull - mean & arrogant with a cock strong attitude who uses his balls for false courage

Hyena - a scavenger with a deceptive sense of humor

Cub - cute & cuddly, with a good personality all in a neat LITTLE packet

and me...

Queen Bee - hardworking, dependable, and revered but all; yet in the scheme of things I am but a small piece of this urban jungle

Monday, August 20, 2007

Essence Music Festival 2007

I was blessed to attend the 2007 Essence Festival looking fabulous and having a ball. This is me and my two height challenged friends. It was so wonderful to see so many people (most of them dressed appropriately) supporting My City.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

God Accompany Me!

I am engaged in a period of reflection and I need your help. You are the only one I can turn to when my husband is being an a-hole and my seed ain't doing right. I ask you to accompany me to a quiet place. One where I have no cares, responsibilities, and no reason to be anywhere else. Sustain me in this place for all my days. Permit me to dwell here even when my physical being is elsewhere. Hide me when I cannot breath in that other place. Shelter me with warmth when I am cold and alone. Accompany me to peace. Amen

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Are the Project Dwellers Being Exiled From New Orleans

You didn't know this about me but, I was raised in the the Calliope Projects (officially B.W. Copper) by my grandmother. She called 37?? Thalia Pkwy Apt B, home for over 35 years and refused to leave even during Katrina. She was bused out and now lives with my cousin in Memphis, thanks for your concern. Anyway, several months ago, around Thanksgiving, I retrieved the last of the her personal items that were savageable and had not been eaten by rats. I knew then that none of us would ever return and I was right. HUD has just proposed that the poor residents of 4 housing complexes (including my childhood dwelling) do not deserve to live there ever again. Yes, that's right they are tearing them down to make way for "mixed income housing." See link How exciting for the city, unless you are any one of the thousands of residents who have systematically been locked out of their homes without any recourse.

To me the message here is "Don't Bring Your Broke A$$es Back." How else do you explain that in a city that needs rebuilding and repopulating is tearing down housing that may be structurally salvageable and are definitely in demand. For those of you who argue the merits of mixed income housing I have one question. Would you welcome renters in your suburb. Look at what happened in Houston? Every crime committed in the past thirty years have been blamed on New Orleans residents. Our children are being branded as incapable of learning. We are wearing out our welcome.

No, I am not advocating modern day Jim Crow "seperate but equal" accommodations, but let's face it people in similar situations are more comfortable around each other. I know the misconception is that "these people" are spending their money on drugs, bling-bling, and guns. However, where do you think the people serving you burgers at McDonald's, Wendy's, and those other minimum wage jobs live; or the elderly on a fixed income who have to decide whether is buy Ramen needles or Celebrex live; or the grandmothers taking care of their grandchildren who were orphaned during the "just say no" generation (including me) live? Hello?

The bottom line is that in a capitalist society there will always be rich and poor, have and have not, CEO's and security guards. So those who have decided that the poor have no place in a "Post-Katrina New Orleans", ponder this. The residents of the closed projects will receive housing vouchers to live wherever they want. Scary thought isn't it?

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Today is Mother's Day, And?

Today is a day celebrating mothers, moms, mamas, mommies, and mams. I am a mother but today is not my day. I did not have a chance to relish in the corniness of a homemade card, or saviour the sweet scent of store-bought flowers. My only gift was one of words. Not that I expected a parade in my honor, however, I did expect more. I expected not to have to cook my own Mother's Day meal (which was extremely delicious I must say), or to at least have a reason to take a shower and put on decent clothes (maybe for Mother's Day Brunch, perhaps). No, this day certainly was not for me.

I know this may seem trivial, but I must explain something, in all of my years of life I have never had a special day. I cannot recall one day being solely about me. No surprise parties, first communions, bar mitzvahs, sweet fifteen, sweet sixteen, debutante, nothing. My life has been filled with uneventful milestones. How can anyone remain confident and self-assured when they have not been fussed over? I don't even have any baby pictures for God's sake. Granted, I was an ugly child, but that's no reason to treat me like Dracula. I guess in my old age and lonliness, I have become sentimental. I missed out on so much as a kid that I want a "do over". Hell, what's the harm in that? I think we had the right idea as children, the opportunity to wipe the slate clean and do it better the second time around.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Adios' Clark

Yes, we have lost another one. The fish bowl that I call an office is saying so long to another member of the misfit group. Clark was the pulse of the office. If he didn't know it, it wasn't worth being known. Now how am I supposed to find out anything? Well, as I say to all those who find a way to escape; good luck, God Bless, and kiss my azz for leaving me to die of boredom.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Farewell to Taffee!

Taffee is one of my most memorable co-workers. She is a loud, fiery, red-headed, Marlboro smoking lunatic, in other words she's a bad-azz chick. She is leaving to pursue other opportunities, basically she found a better job. I know that this would be the time for reflection, but I just want to say, I hate that bit@$, but I am really happy for her. She will leave me with a collective band of misfits to keep me entertained.

Boobie Brown (yes, I spelled it right) - the distinguished and fashionable gentleman, with a fetish for clear-heeled companionship from Rick's Cabaret.

Clark Kent - the enterprising youngster who uses his massive dog ears to listen, process, update, and analyze all the office gossip. He is the National Equirer of eavedroppers.

Seymore Butts - the guy kisses more azz than a toilet seat.

Parisha (pronounced Pear-e-sha) - a Chalmation with a heart as big as her booty (which means there some cocoa growing on that family tree).

Down Low Lenny - he's like the military, looking for a few good men.

My other co-workers are fine upstanding individuals but are really not interesting enough to warrant comment. As you can see I won't miss that traitor Taffee, let her go. She'll be begging for an invitation to the Lenny-Butts nupitals.